a bed in an airplane

Virgin Atlantic is offering a seriously fun way to win seriously fun travel, and before you ask, there’s basically no way to cheat. Trust me, I tried, kind of.

I took part in a private trial of the online quiz, and the way it’s structured, fastest finger wins, which means every second you try to look up the year of Virgin’s first flight, the distance between New York and London, or the color of street signs in Portugal, you’ll lose points (not the kind you can spend) to someone else who got there faster.

Virgin Atlantic is offering an online quiz, and the winner will receive two round trip ‘Upper Class’ business class tickets anywhere the airline flies. That’s …. amazing. It’s £5 to enter and all proceeds go to charity, so if you think you’re truly a top aviation geek, this is an epic opportunity to turn £5 into luxury travel, and even if you don’t win, contribute to a great cause.

a interior of a plane with rows of seats

How To Participate

Virgin Atlantic is hosting an online travel and aviation quiz on March 25th, 2021 at 7PM GMT, 2PM EST, etc. Tickets are available here, for £5 and proceeds benefit the Trussell Trust, which helps fight UK hunger, a particularly important issue right now. Now that we’ve published this, and you’re reading it, they may sell out – so if this is a must, enter now. The event is intended for UK residents.

Here’s how Virgin Atlantic describes the quiz…

“Those who think they know their DAD from their LAD or the tail fin of a B787 versus an A350 – this promises to be an airline quiz no other. With a top prize of two upper class return flights to anywhere within Virgin Atlantic’s network, this is an evening not to be missed.”

Virgin Atlantic
a red and white airplane in a hangar

How The Quiz Goes

Having taken the quiz, and come 10th, with a certain a$$ho!e from Head For Points taking top prize (lots of love, Rhys) I can attest to how fun and fluid it is. You can take part on your phone, or on your computer, and answers are multiple choice. Once the question is asked, each second takes away potential points.

So for example, if someone asks what’s the main color of Virgin Atlantic’s brand, and you immediately tap, you’d get more many points than the person who also answers correctly, but does so seconds later. This makes it virtually impossible to cheat.

It sounds like there will be varying rounds with different topics, some more aviation geek and some more travel geek, so it should be fun for everyone. I can’t think of a more amusing way to donate £5 to charity this next week, so please join the fun. I would, but I’ve already lost once, and can’t take two rounds of disappointment.

You can enroll in the quiz here.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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  1. This is basically a money making ploy by Virgin. If 100K people do this thats half a million £ into their coffers. When I saw the £5 fee I naturally declined.

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