Luggage brands find themselves in a difficult space right now, with people focused more on home improvement than improving their travel look, or the accessories to complete it.
These bizarre times have seen luggage companies pivot into everyday bags and gear for home life, like Rimowa’s new brow furrowing $1600 backpack that looks just like its signature luggage, or its more affordable, but equally price tag shock inducing iPhone cases.
Now, Rimowa is going to infinity and beyond, with luggage that looks like the perfect gear to bring to Mars. The first thing that comes to mind is Lunar Module. If it helps keep people away at the airport, in fear that you’ve traveled through time from Mars, it may be worth it.

New Rimowa Space Inspired Cases
Rimowa’s iPhone cases were a huge hit, bringing travel inspiration to daily life. But as the world starts to think about getting out there again, Rimowa’s new line is inspired by the future of travel, and that undoubtedly mean space.
One new case concept is quite literally called Mars, and another, Mercury.

At $1,080 (£800), it’s far from practical, but compared to the $3000 (£2300) version in collaboration with Dior, someone can undoubtedly talk themselves into it, and Rimowa is and remains the gold standard.
And hey, if it makes you feel better during your retail therapy to replace actually buying airline tickets, Rimowa will throw in a space inspired sticker pack for $50 bucks, to jazz up your new piece.

While the colorway may be new, the case is based on the original Rimowa design, and like many products in space, is made of aluminum. It’s available in both the ‘trunk’ and ‘cabin’ sizes, making for a complete set, which is also completely expensive.
Obviously, the question becomes Mars or Mercury?
Mercury is cool, but could easily get lost among classic Rimowa’s, whereas with Mars, that’s never going to happen. The case simply screams out “I’m going to sign up for one of those space flights on Virgin Galactic“. At the very least, it’ll look like you have.

Should You Buy?
Luggage is such a personal thing, so GSTP has no comment. In our tried and tested reviews, lower priced luggage has fared well, including Away and ROAM, but there’s an army of GSTP readers who are obsessed with Rimowa and don’t balk at the price tag.
If you’re one of them, this is the coolest luggage we’ve seen in a while, and the most tempting to buy. It’s hard to imagine many people will be competing to pick one of these bags off the carousel, and uniqueness is worth something!
You mention about picking up the Rimowa from the carousel, we won’t take our Rimowa’s with us if there’s the faintest chance of them having to be checked in. Having worked with someone who used to be a baggage handler, I know for a fact that the posher the case, the rougher the treatment that gets meted out!