Europe is yours for the visiting, again! Weeks ago, the European Union added the United States and 11 other countries to its travel ‘safe list’, which means visitors from countries on the list are eligible to travel around the European continent again.
You probably knew that, but what was missed by many, was that eligibility didn’t automatically mean travel entitlement in all EU countries. Each country was still able to decide whether it would allow outside visitors, including Americans, Canadians and others on the “safe list”, or make it all but impossible to enter.
Some countries, such as Spain, Greece, France, Portugal and Italy were early birds in sounding the welcome wagon, but others chose to hang back and mull their options.
In recent days and weeks, a new batch of countries officially decided to welcome outside visitors again, and that means The Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden and more are ready to tick an item off your bucket list, or perhaps a few.

More Of Europe Opens To Outside Visitors
It’s an amazing time to be a fully vaccinated traveler coming from a “safe list” country.
Most of the European Union has now reopened to outside visitors, and those coming from a “safe country” with proof of at least 14 days since their final required dose aren’t subject to additional travel restrictions.
Despite the EU theoretically allowing entry as a bloc, many countries held out, unsure of how to treat American, Canadian, Israeli and other tourism arrivals from outside of the EU. That trend is changing, fast.
Germany just rolled back most restrictions, including those on UK visitors. Switzerland has now officially ratified agreements to allow outside visitors immediately – it’s open. Sweden opened to Americans and other visitors on June 30th, along with the Czech Republic. Austria did the same, as did the Netherlands.
Put simply: most of Europe is open and ready to welcome visitors again with either proof of vaccination, a recent negative test, or proof of a semi recent, full recovery.

Yep, unvaccinated travelers who have fully recovered from covid-19 within the previous 6 months, or provide a PCR test are also typically eligible to travel to Europe.
Many of these European countries, including Greece, recently cut entry exemptions for travelers who have fully recovered from covid-19 down from 9 months from the time of previous infection, to 6 months. If it’s been longer, a test or vaccination proof would be required to travel.
The good news is, there are now so many options, the hardest part of travel to Europe is picking a country, or countries, out of the dynamic list ready and waiting for visitors.
What about USA opening for Europeans or is it a one way process,USA traveller can go everywhere, its not fair and America was built on fairness
So far, it’s one way. US has not rescinded EU/UK travel bans. Not sure how to answer the second part of that statement.