a dock leading to a body of water with a snowy path leading to the horizon

Aurora Borealis is a mystifying phenomenon involving magnetic fields, solar storms, shifting weather and incredible dancing light which captivates viewers in remote parts of the world. People travel around the globe, spending fortunes just for a chance at a rare glimpse and no matter how much you pay, there’s no guarantee you’ll actually see any. Tonight, one night only – viewers in the US and much of Canada will get the rare delight of a Northern Lights sighting…

a green lights in the sky over a snowy landscapeWhat

Aurora Borealis will make a rare appearance in the lower Northern Hemisphere this evening. The incomprehensibly beautiful – dancing lights are generally only visible in the Northernmost parts of the globe such as Iceland, Greenland, Norway, Finland and remote parts of Canada and Alaska. But tonight, for one night only they’re coming South thanks to an incredibly powerful magnetic storm form of hyper charged solar particles from the sun.


Tonight, March 14th 2018! An extremely powerful magnetic storm is roaring into the Northern Hemisphere, so powerful it may impact power grids and electrical systems. It may wreak havoc on your power, but the storm is pushing the Northern Lights far enough South to make Aurora Borealis visible throughout the evening, tonight only. If you do lose power, it will only make the light look better.

a red object in the skyWhere

Meteorologists and Aurora experts are expecting Northern tier US locations such as Michigan, Maine, Vermont, Wisconsin and Minnesota to receive quite a show. This will naturally extend to Canada and other Northern territories as well. If you know a remote place without much artificial light, grab some friends and have a Northern Lights party. Just bring some beers in case they don’t show!


Northern lights are more faint to the human eye than a good camera, so be sure to get your nice camera mounted on a tripod, set your shutter speed fairly low and sit outside in the cold. The less light around you, the more you’ll be able to see. A desolate area such as shores of Lake Michigan could offer the perfect location, with low lighting making the powerful storm even more magical to witness.

Will you try to catch the amazing lights?

HT: Space.com

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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