What serves vintage champagne, flies a whale of an airplane, has everything covered in wood grain and gold and is known for being an absolutely over the top airline? Of course we’re all on the same page, surprise surprise, it’s Emirates. Resting on reputation, the airline has been very wary of offering elite frequent flyer status matches to it’s program. Preferring for those interested to earn it the old fashioned way. Just to clarify, that means spend a lot of money and sit in a lot of airplane seats. In a very rare limited time opportunity Emirates are opening their doors to flyers who are feeling the cold.

people in an airport with a sign

Before you get excited it should be noted that they are only interested in top tier or near top tier flyers. Naturally an airline known for it’s gold is not interested in semi precious metals like silver or bronze level frequent flyers, though it can’t hurt to ask. The airline is ideally looking to snag customers who fly long haul routes with Emirates competitors, though by only asking for a copy of your frequent flyer card, which they are, they have no way of knowing where you fly. Just a thought ; ) As a reminder of note, when matching, you do not forgo your current status. You retain whatever airline you currently hold and just pick up an additional top tier status. Everyone likes free benefits and you never know when it will come in handy. Essentially if your work or pleasure takes you around Asia, India, The Middle East, South Africa, Australia (or not) the airline is willing to hand you instant status to steal your business by matching you to their Gold and Platinum tiers, respective of your current flying. As you probably know, thus entitling you to lounge access, priority or first class check in, priority baggage and all the usual works associated with top tier status; not to mention the airlines very favorable random upgrades. 

a tv in the middle of an airplane

Getting the match requires a simple trick: register your Emirates frequent flyer account to France. Any hotel (or friends) address will do. Once registered as a “french” frequent flyer you’ll just need to take a photocopy or screenshot of your current, unexpired frequent flyer card  from your current airline of choice and send the card, perhaps along with some words of your plans to fly long haul with Emirates to: offreskywardsfrance@emirates.com. The airline is theoretically accepting these submissions for instant match until November 30th but if history rings true, it won’t last that long. Act quickly. And of course, I haven’t suggested taking any liberties to get it done….

As Always, Get in Touch: GodSaveThePoints@gmail.com


Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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