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2022 has been synonymous with travel, but not necessarily deals. A combination of oil, inflation and years of unspent vouchers sent prices to new levels this summer.

But as the sun sets on what proved to be one of the wildest seasons in the history of travel, those good ole’ deals are coming back, as airlines and hotels look to ensure the winter blues don’t hit too hard.

British Airways latest sale is a prime example of bargains making a return, with stellar offers from both US and European gateways.

From London, two people can secure a trip with round trip flights and three nights of hotel for as little as £449 (circa $500) per person. Up front, the prices aren’t the three digit lows of old, but a return of business class offers under $2k are a welcome sight.

a woman sitting in a chair with a drink in her hand

British Airways Sale Deals

The first thing to know is that the British Airways sale covers US departures, as well as departures from the UK. You can visit the US Sale, or the UK Sale. Business class flights plus five nights of London hotel for $2600 per person ain’t bad!

Each has a series of stellar offers, but with luxury deals aside, the best bargains are for people who can wrangle a travel companion and split a hotel room. If you can, you can get flights and multiple nights of hotel for less than most people pay for flights alone.

Best UK Sale Offers

There’s plenty to choose from, but it’s tough to beat options in the UK British Airways Sale like…

Best US Sale Offers

The US rarely enjoys flight deals quite as low as Europe, but there are some bonafide bargains in here for those willing to poke around, like…

There’s Plenty More

It’s great to see sales coming back, particularly ones with interesting opportunity. These offers, or any of the other ones out there won’t necessarily be for everyone, but when one airline does deals, more follow.

GSTP predicts a serious return to bargain and value driven offers this autumn and winter, so keep your eyes peeled as high season comes to a close.

Gilbert Ott

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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