Ever find a flight that was just perfect, but not on your preferred airline? That’s where status matches come in. With just one current status and two clever matches, you can choose any airline, reaping all the best elite member benefits and conveniences just for sending an email. Thanks to Aeromexico, you can now choose that SkyTeam flight and access all your usual perks…

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The Match

Aeromexico is offering comped status for 6 months, which will grant you benefits on all SkyTeam airlines including Delta, Air France, KLM, Korean, Garuda, Alitalia and more. You can match from virtually any airline and they even have a handy chart reflecting exactly where you’ll land (click terms and conditions then scroll down) with your complimentary match. As a matter of note, you keep your current status and just gain an extra status. If you wish to keep your free status for more than 6 months, you’ll need to complete 40% of the usual required flying to extend it.

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What Will The Match Get Me? Worth It?

You keep your current status and you get one for free, for nothing. On all itineraries you’ll get priority check in, fast track security, baggage waivers and priority baggage tags. On all international itineraries, even those in economy, you’ll get lounge access on top of it all meaning free wifi, complimentary food and drinks and in some cases, even showers. That’s a lot of benefit for a very little bit of work…

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Sounds Good, Where Do I Go To Match?

Unlike many match opportunities, Aeromexico has made this one pretty quick and painless. To get organized, you’re going to want to take a picture, screenshot or copy of your current elite status card, a photo ID and a copy (pdf is good) of a recent frequent flyer statement. In plain english, grab your frequent flyer card, some paper with your flight activity and your ID and have them ready to upload. Once you have all that, visit THIS PAGE and pop your data in. If you want to know where your status will match to, click “Terms and Conditions”. You’ll get an infographic. Enjoy the status.

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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