The only thing better than free checked bags, priority check in and the other great frequent flyer benefits that accompany status, is earning them for nothing, other than tapping a few keys. Hilton and American Airlines just became best friends and they are offering crossover promotions for their members, with some lucrative gifts and offers, including free status…

a city skyline seen from a window

The Offer

The offer appears to be targeted, with many Hilton elite level members being offered instant American Airlines Gold, with some even receiving Platinum. It’s absolutely worth attempting to register for the promotion, as it’s the only way to find out if you are eligible. If you’re not, I apologize, but I’m just trying to get you free stuff here and it will definitely work for many. And yes, you can keep any other current statuses you currently hold, you just pick up an extra.

a piece of paper with white text on it

What Good Is Gold?

With American Airlines Gold, you’ll receive a free checked bag, priority security, first class upgrades on short flights under 500 miles for free, upgrades using certificates for domestic flights over 500 miles, complimentary same day standby changes and free main cabin extra seats. It’s not the highest tier, and won’t earn you any lounges, but it’s fantastic. Platinum on the other hand would be an incredible offer, giving you lounges, better chances on upgrades and much more. As a matter of note, the status will carry benefits on other OneWorld airlines.

an airplane on the runway

How To Register For Free Status

If you haven’t already created an American Airlines AAdvantage account, you should do that first. Once you have one, visit THIS link, enter your info and press register. Then and there you will find out if it worked. Be sure to comment on your success or lack there of to help others!

Gilbert Ott is an ever curious traveler and one of the world's leading travel experts. His adventures take him all over the globe, often spanning over 200,000 miles a year and his travel exploits are regularly...

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